We can't wait to meet you!
No matter if this is your first time visiting or you've been here before, you are welcome!


What is it like?

Holy Cross is a welcoming congregation.  Visitors are welcomed as they enter and the greeter can show them to the sanctuary, picking up a bulletin from the usher on the way.  Special bulletins are available for children complete with crayons and markers.

What about my kids?

Children are very welcome in worship.  They can pick up a clipboard with children's activity bulletins and a pencil bag of crayons and colored pencils to keep them involved in church activities. Three times a month we offer Worship and Wonder for the children.  They leave the sanctuary for a special Worship and Wonder space where a leader engages them in crafts and stories, bringing them back in time for Holy Communion.

Where do I park?

There are two entrances to a large parking lot off of Mound Road.  The four door entryway leads to the Narthex where a friendly face will greet you.  The entire church is designed so that no steps are required to enter or access any part of the  church.

What do I wear?

Being comfortable is the only rule for what to wear.  On a typical Sunday you will find a range from jeans and t-shirts to business casual

How can I get connected?

You will be greeted at the door and offered the opportunity to fill out a Visitor card to let us know who you are and what we can do for you to feel connected and at home at Holy Cross.